Float the Buffalo River in June! | Buffalo Outdoor Center
June 1, 2019
The Ponca area has recently received just the right amount of rainfall to ensure a month’s worth of early summertime floating in the upper district!
What does this mean to you? That you can confidently make June floating plans for the prettiest, most scenic section of the Buffalo National River, whether we’re launching for the 10-mile Ponca to Kyle’s Landing section or the 8-mile Pruitt to Hasty section (where we launch is dictated by water level).
Need a canoe, kayak or raft for a Saturday? If so, you’ll want to reserve one (or however many you need) as soon as you know your trip date(s). Can you float on a Sunday or weekday? Then, chances are, you won’t need an advance reservation in June. However, if you need a kayak or raft or several canoes, you will want to reserve those in advance; simply book online or call us at 870-861-5514. Click here for current canoe / kayak / raft rental and vehicle shuttle rates.
CONCERNED ABOUT FLOODING? While the state of Arkansas has experienced inordinate amounts of rainfall elsewhere, the Ponca region has received average rainfall, so the upper Buffalo National River (Ponca to Carver) is not in flood stage. Now, the river is a living entity and a sudden big rain can temporarily make the river too high to run, so be sure and check our River Level Report for current floating conditions. The good news is, a flood on the upper Buffalo is usually a very temporary thing; typically within a day or two of a big rise in water level, the river settles down and becomes very runnable again.
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