Roundtop Mountain
3.6 Miles
A very unique trail with a history to go with it. There are remains of a WWII bomber that crashed in 1948. The trail is moderate/hard hike and is about a 3.6 mile R/T trail. The trail features the crash site, overlooks and views of the Little Buffalo River Valley.

Trip Highlights
Looking for Some History?
On Feb. 6, 1948, a B-25 bomber crashed into Round Top Mountain killing all five military passengers. The remains of this bomber are still at the base of the mountain, and the trail will take you right by them! Please respect the crash site for others to enjoy in the future.
Photographers on the Trail
There is a lot for photographers to enjoy at Round Top Mountain, but probably the most photogenic spot is found along the West Trail, which takes you to a bluff overlooking the Little Buffalo River Valley and a great sunset spot.
Get your Bearings
There are multiple trails around and on top of Round Top Mountain. Be sure to take some time to study the sign at the trailhead to familiarize yourself with the area and trails before hitting the trail.