Multi Day Trip
Pruitt to Mt. Hersey
When water levels are lower and we launch downriver at Pruitt (just off Hwy. 7 about 5 miles north of Jasper), where the typical 2-day canoe trip is from Pruitt to Mt. Hersey. This section of the upper Buffalo National River offers wilderness seclusion and long pools which are ideal for swimming and fishing.
On high-volume boat launch days (such as Saturdays in May and June), the launch site may be determined based on our ability to provide launch service to a particular access. For example, we would most likely be unable to provide launch service at Pruitt on a busy Saturday wherein we’re launching up river several miles at Steel Creek. We greatly appreciate your understanding of this.

Trip Details
Longer Trip Options
Beginning at Ponca, there are 132 miles of Buffalo National River to explore and many ways to plan a multi-day trip. Take a look at our interactive online Buffalo National River map for mileage and access information or contact us to learn more about your launch and take-out options.
Launch Times
Depending upon the month, launch times may vary somewhat. For example, in March when days are shorter, the latest launch time may be Noon or earlier. In April, May and June, when there’s more daylight to be had, we may launch boats as late as 1:00 PM.
Boat Rentals & Shuttle Rate Times
Contact us to book your canoe(s) and/or kayaks. For weekend rentals, you’ll want to book in advance as we are always 100% booked on Saturdays, oftentimes a month ahead of time.
Floating Safety
Floating FAQs
Additional Info
The NPS has adopted a “zero-tolerance” position on music played on radios, boomboxes and other devices that interfere with the natural, quiet ambience of the designated wilderness area between Steel Creek and Kyle’s Landing accesses. You may, however, enjoy music within the campgrounds. Just remember, please, that many people come to the river for peace and quiet, so play music within earshot of your campfire, rather than your neighbor’s. 😉

Buffalo River Camping
Experience Arkansas's finest river camping, whether in a primitive NPS campground or choosing your own spot along America's first national river.
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