Buffalo National River Maps
Having a good map in hand is essential to making the most of your time on the river or trail in Buffalo River country. Scroll down to purchase detailed Trails Illustrated maps in our online shop or download our FREE pdfs of popular upper Buffalo National River sections!

Buy Buffalo National River Maps
We carry excellent Trails Illustrated maps of the Buffalo National River in our store, which we can also mail to you in advance of your trip. Just give us a call or contact us and indicate which map you prefer. Each map is $14.95+tax and $5 for shipping. For the map that covers the Ponca-to-Pruitt section, request the WEST HALF – BUFFALO RIVER MAP. This map includes river and trail topo detail from the headwaters area above Ponca all the way downstream to Woolum. For the middle and lower river districts, request the EAST HALF – BUFFALO RIVER MAP, which covers from Woolum downstream to Buffalo City, where the river confluences with the White River.
Free Upper Buffalo National River Maps
Click to download (and print!) a map of the river section(s) you’ll be floating.