Now when you stay in a BOC cabin overlooking Buffalo River country, you can get your email, upload photos to Facebook, shop for a new pair of shoes or–heaven forbid, but we know sometimes you have to!—work via the awesome new wi-fi service we’ve installed at our mountain-top cabins above Ponca.
This isn’t your ordinary garden-variety kind of resort wi-fi. Unlike at most resorts where bandwith sharing can create the World’s Slowest Internet, your cabin’s wi-fi is exclusive to you regardless of what your cabin neighbor down the way may be doing in the way of web surfing.
We realize that some of you may have reached for the smelling salts at the idea of wi-fi invading Ponca, but with so many guests having young children or elderly family members back at home, plus, a large number of corporate clients needing to stay in touch with critical work issues from time to time, we felt it was important for BOC to find a way to help guests stay in touch if they wished to. So, if you’re one of those who has the ability to totally disconnect when you come here, yay for you!! Leave the laptop at home and pitch your cell phone to the wind. However, for those of you who can better enjoy your stay knowing your email is just a click away, our wi-fi is there for you.
For a list of BOC cabins featuring wi-fi service, click on the link!
Please note that the Compton Mountain Cabin, although a mountain-top cabin, is presently not equipped with wi-fi service due to its location being 9 miles from our wi-fi hub.